Children’s Resources

Faith 5: Gather together as a family before bed and go through this routine.

  1. Share highs and lows for the day.

  2. Read a Bible story (you can work your way through a story Bible or a book of the Bible)

  3. Talk about the Bible story – Why do you think this story is included in the Bible? What is God teaching us through this story? How does it relate to our highs and lows for the day?

  4. Pray for each other’s highs and lows

  5. Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on each other’s foreheads and saying “You are blessed to be a blessing”, “Jesus loves you and so do I”, “You are a beloved child of God” or another blessing that you make up

Forming faith doesn’t have to look like a church service or a Bible story. The way you talk together, laugh together, and meet challenges together forms faith. 

Check out this list of 35 Tech Free, Faith Forming, Fun Activities For Families to Do at Home 


YouTube Videos –
Faith Finders Fun – join children’s ministry professionals as they do fun experiments and talk about the Bible!

Podcasts –

Bible Besties – Funny retelling of Bible stories (better for older pre-teen / teenage youth)


Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice Mercy and Kindness

Sticky Faith Family Guide: Parenting is like riding a bike down a water slide. Exciting in theory, difficult in reality.